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George Lucas


Inducted in 2009

A former PGA TOUR caddie, George Lucas authored yardage books that became essential tools of the trade.

An accomplished amateur golfer in his own right, George Lucas was first introduced to caddying in 1974 for Bobby Walzel in an event on the now defunct Second Tour. When Walzel won, he asked Lucas to join him on the PGA TOUR. He continued to caddy for several years for players including Arnold Palmer. He stepped aside to pursue writing yardage books for his fellow PGA TOUR caddies full-time. Lucas hopscotched the country surveying tournament courses, drawing, sketching and publishing a book that became gospel for professional caddies. Lucas’ tomes were referred to simply as “The Book.”

For his work promoting the important role of caddies in the game of golf, George Lucas earned a place in the Caddie Hall of Fame, which recognizes individuals who support caddying.