Van Costa


Inducted in 2005

Van Costa worked for many years as a caddie on the PGA TOUR, and he was one of seven original caddies who began working on the LPGA TOUR in 1973. He is a longtime caddie, friend and confidant to Al Geiberger, nicknamed “Mr. 59” after he became the first player to post a score of 59 during a PGA TOUR-sanctioned event. In addition to Geiberger, Costa looped for a number of successful players like Mickey Wright, Sandra Haynie, Mary Mills, Sally Little, Jane Blalock and Lionel Hebert. He chronicled his formative years as a caddie on TOUR in his 2002 book “What Club Shall I Hit.”

Van Costa was inducted into the Caddie Hall of Fame for his work promoting the important role of caddies in the game of golf.


